20 de octubre de 2011

Vive la France!

Last weekend I attended a typewriter meeting in Nancy, situated in Lorraine, France. It was fantastic! The meeting was organized by the Association Lorraine des Collectionneurs de Machines de Bureau (ALCMB). It was great to meet new collectors friends... and of course to score some new typewriters for "la collection". These are: A Japy P6, a Rooy portable, and the one I am most happy with, a rare Etoile. Here they are:
Japy P6
Japy P6
The P6 is a descendant of the Swiss Patria. It was the first licence of the Patria, and produced by Japy in Beaucourt from 1937 on.
Étoile, n° 51585
The Étoile was actually made in Switzerland, by Paillard. This is to say, it is based on the Hermes 2000. According to current research, Etoiles were produced for export from 1932 to 1936. Name variant: Japy 50. Almost all currently known machines have a French keyboard.

Rooy portable
Rooy, n° 38253
For the Rooy, see Adwoa's entries.

6 comentarios:

  1. Wow, that's quite a haul of fine French machinery! How do you like the Rooy as a typer? I kinda get the feeling that people get them because they're rare and probably quite a hit to show off to other collectors, but they don't much like to actually type on them.

  2. Love the sad face emoticon at the right-hand end of the second row of keys. Worth a close-up!

    w/v: tablita, adj., precisely how my Royal KHM is feeling.

  3. @ Ted: I also got the Rooy because it is a special machine which should feature in a collection. But I certainly wouldn't type more than a page on it, no good feeling at all.

  4. Oh-la-la, une Étoile! Magnifique!

    Wusstest du, dass es ein Japy-Museum in Beaucourt (frz. Jura) gibt? Vielleicht etwas für das nächste Type-In?

  5. Ja, das wäre doch eine Idee! Ich bin jetzt gut mit den französischen Kollegen verbunden, und auch mit dem Musée Japy. Allerdings ist es so, dass dort im Moment noch nicht viele Schreibmaschinen ausgestellt sind (Japy hat ja vieles andere produziert, u.a. Töpfe, Uhren, Wasserpumpen)

  6. Ich wusste eigentlich nicht, was Japy hergestellt hat, aber auf dem kleinen Foto auf der Karte der France Comté war eine Schreibmaschine abgebildet, also habe ich mir das entsprechende gedacht. :)
    War die Enigma, die im Fotoalbum ist, eigentlich auch zum Verkauf dort?
