27 de abril de 2013

1000 x F.O.

The typewriter keeps inspiring artists: http://artistsbooksandmultiples.blogspot.ch/2013/04/ken-nicol-thousand-times-fuck-off.html 

4 comentarios:

  1. I have to say this project seems juvenile.

  2. I agree with Richard. Cheap shock, cheap art.

  3. Juvenile project for sure. But it did inspire an interesting commentary on the use of the typewriter in music and background sound.

  4. Thank you for sharing this, I really enjoyed the idea. I think some conceptual art, especially in the form of self-published artists books can seem gimmicky and crass. Juvenile? I'd take that as a cmpliment. It is just the sort of artefact I was producing as a student at art colllege, though compact cassettes were my medium ochoice inthose pre CD days.
