4 de febrero de 2012

The thrift store on the other end of Switzerland

Some typewriter sightings in Basel:
Hermes Standard 6

typewriter in context

a brother LW-30!

And finallly - yes, you won't believe it: a ROVER 2000. And you know what: I bought it!

still snowing outside

6 comentarios:

  1. Schönes Brockis habt ihr in Basel! Vielleicht sollte ich mit meinem unendlichen Unwahrscheinlichkeitsantrieb mal vorbeischauen... Lustig dass gleich zwei Robers aus mal auftauchen, bei Adwoa und bei dir.

  2. Very nice typewriter find. Really nice thrift store also. We do not have such nice stores here.

  3. I think that's a model railroad but I'm not sure!

  4. Congratulations on the new find.
    I would like to spend a day in that thrift shop, looks very interesting to me.

  5. Thank you for comments, and yes, it is a model railroad :)

  6. How funny that we both found identical Rover 2000s! Hope you are enjoying it.

    I look forward to seeing more thrift store posts from Basel :)
