9 de junio de 2011

Es wird wieder Maschine geschrieben

This is to salute Florian and maschinengeschrieben.blogspot.com. The sky is the limit! 

4 comentarios:

  1. Herzlich willkommen Florian!

  2. If only Babelfish worked on typecasts!

  3. yes indeed. so far the original is the original is the original. funny, because despite of digitizing the text escapes digital text treatment entirely. in some mysterious way, it stays analogue on the internet.

  4. Ich fühle mich geehrt. :)

    Translation problem:
    I suggest an OCR tool like
    to convert the typecasts from picture to text. Works pretty well, just download the typecast and re-upload it to free-ocr.com. Then copy the text and paste it into Google Translator or Babelfish.
