Marlize L. and her man on the ground, namely typewriter mechanic Ryk van Dijk in Friesland, were so kind to provide us - us as us in the typosphere - with extensive raw material in the form of several Ransmayer & Rodrian catalogues. These catalogues contain, in essence, lists of types samples produced by RaRo. The basic categorization of type is in regular type, i.e. type so common that RaRo would keep them on stock, and special type, which was produced on demand, and cost more. Later on, the catalogues also feature products from the thriving Keytop-Department.
We start off with displaying special type ("Sonderzeichen") from the 1928 RaRo catalogue. I cannot help but take an educational approach - the information is so overwhelmingly rich that it deserves to be served in taylor-made pieces. Of course all information available will be made accessible to the typosphere - some issues of copyright need to be resolved before hand, so please be patient.
But now, enough talked, see for yourself: Special type from the 1928 catalogue, symbols come first, the keys to the numbers at the end. So if you want, take your guesses before looking up the solution. Enjoy!
Series continues next week.
Wonderful. I want a typewriter that can type a swan (394)!
ResponderBorrarAbsolutely wonderful! There is such a shortage of information on type slugs on line and this is a tremendous help. I was looking forward to this post since Ted Munk mentioned it.
ResponderBorrarUnlike Richard P I want more than just one of them.
Thank you very much for posting this.
There should be a lot more coming from all corners of the typosphere, flooding us with knowledge longtime forgotten. Vivat!
BorrarThose are fabulous! Thanks for sharing them.
ResponderBorrarThank you for this very interesting post! It came at exactly the right time: I was just trying to find out more about some special characters on my "new" Hermes Ambassador, and your post inspired me to write a typecast about them: http://wp.me/p4bk1g-17
ResponderBorrarI can't download file, please share again.
ResponderBorrarI try to search type slug factory, It hard to find. Thank for sharing.
I read this topic that talk about many type slug factory eg Union Type, Dreusicke Type, Tangens, Setag (a Swiss firm), CSA, Novatype.
And i found this page show Union Type catalog : http://typewriterheaven.blogspot.com/2014/04/union-type.html
Oh, Do you know what kind of metal that type slugs made, aluminium or stainless? (I read from somewhere, It made from aluminium)
Sorry, the download link was removed. You might want to register with the typewriterdatabase.com, there is a member section with some material.
BorrarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrarJe suis ici pour partager mon témoignage de ce qu'une bonne société de prêt de confiance a fait pour moi. Je m'appelle Nikita Tanya, je suis russe et je suis une charmante mère de 3 enfants.J'ai perdu mes fonds en essayant d'obtenir un prêt, c'était si difficile pour moi et mes enfants, je suis allé en ligne pour demander une aide au prêt, tout l'espoir était perdu jusqu'au jour fatidique où j'ai rencontré cet ami à moi qui a récemment obtenu un prêt d'un homme très honnête, M. Benjamin. Elle m'a présenté cet honnête agent de crédit M., Benjamin qui m'a aidé à obtenir un prêt dans les 5 jours ouvrables, je serai à jamais reconnaissant à M. Benjamin, de m'avoir aidé à me remettre sur pied. Vous pouvez contacter M. Benjamin par e-mail: 247officedept@gmail.com ils ne savent pas que je fais ça pour eux, mais je dois juste le faire car il y a beaucoup de gens qui ont besoin d'une assistance de prêt, venez à cet honnête homme et vous pouvez également être sauvé .WhatsApp: (+ 1 989-394-3740)