18 de marzo de 2012

Thank you - Impressions from the type-in

Eindrücke vom 2. Schreibmaschinenfest in Basel / Impressions from our all Swiss type-in in Basel on March 17, 2012. We came from Geneva, Zürich, Luzern, and even Berlin. What I found exceptional was the meeting of generations (second to seventh decade represented), as well as of analogue and digital, i.e. members of the Swiss collectors club shbs.ch and the Swiss branch of the typosphere. What a happy get-together! Please also read the write-ups of Florian @ maschinengeschrieben and Adwoa of retrotechgeneva. Thank you all for coming, it was my pleasure to host this event!

12 de marzo de 2012

Schreibmaschinenfest Basel Vorschau

Am Samstag ist es so weit / get ready for Saturday
ab 14 Uhr / starts at 2 p.m.
2. Schreibmaschinenfest Basel / 2nd Type-In Basel