30 de octubre de 2015

Early Typospherians

Here they are: the crème de la crème of the Early Typosphere... the year is 1913. Taken at the Frankfurt fair, in the premises of Büro-Bedarfs-Rundschau, we see, from the left to the right: O.F. Graband, director of advertising of "Mon Bureau"; Jacob Fresineau, director of the Russian magazine of office supplies (it doesn't give the exact title); G. Ravisse, editor of "Mon Bureau"; Mario Boni, director of "Ufficio Moderno" (I do correct the spelling); Carl Labin, editor in chief of Büro-Bedarfs-Rundschau; Dr. Hemes, director of "Typewriter Topics"; Dr. von Schack, director of "Büro-Bedarfs-Rundschau".

Friedrich von Schack must have been an interesting figure. I wonder if he really was director of the BBR in 1913 - that would have meant a lot of work, as in 1913, Schreibmaschinen-Revue was still running. Schreibmaschinen-Revue was founded by F. von Schack in 1904. I haven't seen all volumes yet, but have scanned volume 1907/08 recently. It results that in 1907 Schreibmaschinen-Revue was issued at a biweekly basis, and that the rhythm augmented to one issue per week as of 1st January 1908... very very busy indeed.

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